Opening Framing – Edit

Framing Configuration may be found in two locations:


Edit Opening Framing Configuration

In order to edit, create new, rename, or delete opening framing configuration, you have to click Edit Configuration for the structural or non-structural floors:

Default configurations will come together with the software. Default path to opening configurations is:

C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\Tools 4 Revit\Floor+(version) Configurations\Framing Configurations\Metric or Imperial\Configuration name\

It saves all the settings of trimmer joists, headers, trimmers, other joists that are listed down below in the dialog:

Trimming Joist

Trimming Joist tab in this tab you will find all settings for creating trimming joist needed for the opening.

Trimming Joists are symmetrical – switch this OFF if trimming joists should be different on the left and right sides.

Custom Join

Custom Join – is a multi-functional dialog where user can define rules for joins including size, count, position, rotation, spacing, alignment etc. All these rules can be saved and used in other framing configurations or shared with other users. This type of dialog is used frequently in our products, so here you can read more about Custom Join.

Custom Header 1, Custom Header 2

Custom Header 1/2 tab in this tab you will find all settings for creating headers/sills needed for the opening.

Rotate by Slope – rotates an element according to the floor slope.

Move for Skylight – if ticked, then the header will be moved to make a real skylight frame.

Custom Top Support

Custom Top Support – place where user can control opening top support.


Trimmer – place where user can control opening trimmers.

Trimmers are symmetrical – switch this OFF if trimmers should be different on the left and right sides.

Extend Sill&Header – extends Sill and Header if Bottom Plate to Sill, Header to Top Plate, Sill to Header is selected near Trimmer Type. Also check if Trimming Joist is inserted.


Extend Header – extends the Header if Bottom Plate to Header, Bottom Plate to Sill, Header to Top Plate, Sill to Header, Split Sill to Header is selected near Trimmer Type. Also check if Trimming Joist is inserted.


Insert Support Stud/Joist if extended – inserts support stud/joist to the opening if Extend Sill&Header is switched on.


Extend Trimmer if it connects to Top Support and Trimming Joist is missing – extends trimmer ends if there is no King/Trimming Joists and Trimmer Type = Bottom Plate to Top Plate Support.

Also top support needs to be without extended ends:

Result when is switched OFF:

Result when is switched ON:

Trimmer Type – defines how the trimmer is positioned relative to opening Sill, Header, Top Plate, Bottom Plate, Top Plate Support.

Example: Trimmer goes from Bottom Plate to Header:

Example: Trimmer goes from Bottom Plate to Top Plate:

Example: Trimmer goes from Bottom Plate to Top Plate Support:

Example: Trimmer goes from Sill to Header:

Example: Trimmer goes from Sill to Top Plate:

Example: How to make a double trimmer:

Top/Bottom Cripple Trimmer

Top/Bottom Cripple Trimmer – place where user can control opening top/bottom cripple trimmers.

Trimmers are symmetrical – switch this OFF if trimmers should be different on the left and right sides.


Top and Bottom Cripples are Equal – if ticked OFF, then two tabs appears which allows to control top and bottom cripples separately.

Define Top Cripples Studs/Joists by Spacing – if ticked ON, then you can predefine Spacing Type and Spacing of Top Cripple Studs/Joists. If unticked, then the software calculates the distance between top cripples automatically. You just need to define a Number of Top Cripple Studs/Joists.

Spacing Type – defines different spacing arrangement options:

Note: Define Top Cripples Studs/Joists by Spacing will work if Automatically Align Opening Cripples with Joists is switched OFF near Common Settings. If it is ticked ON, then the cripples will be aligned with the main framing joists.

Automatically Align Opening Cripples with Joists is switched ON:


Opening Top, Bottom, Left, Right Offset – offsets frame in all preferred directions.

Last updated