Rebar configurations Support

Define rebar shapes to be placed at beam ends.

Face Position - select where rebar should be created: at one end of the beam, or both.

Min/Max search distance - important if your beam has cuts at supports

Bar shape - select from available rebar shapes.

Rebar bar type - select rebar type that should be used for these bars.

End Cover - used to define cover from the end of the beam. (Not active if Extend distance parameter is used.)

Bar length - length of selected bar. (Not active if Extend distance parameter is used.)

Extend distance - extension distance from the end of the beam. (Not active if End Cover is used.)

Anchorage length - anchorage distance of selected bar. (Not active if End Cover is used.)

Layout rule - select how rebar should be distributed in other direction

Count and Spacing - define parameters for Layout rule

Top, Bottom, Left, Right - covers to define size of element and restrictions for layout

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