Network License: Agacad Dock Deployment


Deploy and activate tools to multiple computers without end user intervention


The ARKANCE Dock can read the installconfig.xml file during installation

  1. Download and save all necessary .msi files of the ARKANCE Dock and tools in the same folder as installconfig.xml:

You can control these settings within the XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<StartDockOnRevitStartup>false</StartDockOnRevitStartup> TOOLS4BIM Dock hidden/shown when Revit. starts
<InstallAppsInProgramData>false</InstallAppsInProgramData> Tools and Dock installation location: User based folder if set to false (%appdata%) or machine-based installation (%programdata%) if set to true.
<NetworkLicensePath> http://SERVER_nameOrIP:8731 </NetworkLicensePath> Set network license server URL automatically.
<ProductGroup Name="Product Group Name">
<Product Name="Product Name">
<App Name="Tool Name" File="RevitTools202x_MSI_FILE.msi" IncludeInRibbonMenu="true"
<App Name="Tool Name" File="RevitTools202x_MSI_FILE.msi" IncludeInRibbonMenu="true" IncludeInFavoriteToolsTab="true"/>

All tools' '.msi' files can be downloaded from:

  1. the folder to your end-users devices

  2. the ARKANCE Dock installation

  3. End-user will automatically download the assigned list of tools

Last updated